SIATT supports the Brazilian Navy in the unprecedented launch of the MANSUP missile from a land-based platform

Weapons will increase maritime protection in the Amazonia Azul (Blue Amazon)

DefesaNet Note

Text in Portuguese

SIATT apoia a Marinha do Brasil em lançamento inédito do míssil MANSUP por plataforma em terra

The Editor

In an unprecedented feat, the Brazilian company Sistemas Integrados de Alto Teor Tecnológico (SIATT) supported the Brazilian Navy (MB) on December 17 in the launch of a “Míssil Antinavio Nacional de Superfície” – National Surface Anti-Ship Missile (MANSUP) from a land-based installation.

The pioneering operation was carried out using the ASTROS launcher, an artillery rocket system used by the Navy’s Marine Corps (CFN) for area saturation.

The activity took place in Restinga da Marambaia, under the coordination of the Navy’s Weapons Systems Directorate (DSAM), with support from the Brazilian Army’s “Centro de Avaliações do Exército” – Evaluation Center (CAEx).

The activity is part of the MANSUP Project, which aims not only to equip the new “Tamandaré” class Frigates with this modern smart weapon, but also to increase the MB’s level of readiness in the defense of the Blue Amazon.

The MANSUP Project Manager and SIATT employee, Robson Duarte, stated that the launch of the MANSUP missile from a land-based platform represents a major and innovative victory for the Brazilian defense industry. “This launch provides us with autonomy and independence, as it strengthens the country’s technological self-sufficiency, reduces dependence on imported weapons and consolidates our Defense Industrial Base.”

Robson Duarte also highlighted the importance of the project for Brazil. “MANSUP can be integrated with other defense systems, such as radars and the Sistema de gerenciamento da Amazonia Azul – Blue Amazon Management System (SisGAAz), providing a coordinated and effective response to maritime threats. Protecting the marine natural resources of our Blue Amazon, such as oil and gas, is essential for the country’s economic development. The MANSUP missile plays a strategic role in guaranteeing national sovereignty and deterring threats to Brazilian interests,” he added.

DSAM Director, Vice Admiral Carlos Henrique de Lima Zampieri, pointed out that MANSUP, which has a range of up to 70 km and high precision, provides flexibility and dynamism to military operations. “The missile is designed to be launched by ships and by mobile platforms, such as the CFN launchers. The mobility of the launchers allows the defense to be adjusted according to the situation and geographic characteristics, offering an effective means of defense and protection.”

The next step of the MANSUP Project involves the development of operational requirements and technical specifications for the future operationalization of the defense system to be used by the CFN, increasing the capacity to respond to current demands, as recalled by the Commander of the Marine Corps Material, Vice Admiral (FN) Roberto Ramos Lage. “The defense of the coast is a crucial element when we refer to the protection of our Blue Amazon. Today’s launch represents another step in the successful project of the Brazilian Navy to equip the Marine Corps with adequate capabilities to respond to the diverse demands of a rapidly changing world.”

Brazil has a maritime area of ​​approximately 5.7 million square kilometers, rich in a wide variety of resources and with a huge amount of critical maritime infrastructure. As a vector for protecting this legacy for future generations, the operationalization of MANSUP on the CFN’s ASTROS launcher is a significant contribution to the Maritime Defense Strategy.

Brazilian Marine Corps ASTROS Platform ready to lauch MANSUP Missile

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